ORNAMENTAL Design and Type Letter Head 1891 Graphic Pattern Exchange
This stunning 19th-century graphic pattern sample was discovered within the ‘Internationaler Graphischer Muster-Austausch des deutschen Buchdrucker-Vereins’ which translates to ‘International graphic pattern exchange of the German book printer association’. Inside was a plethora of gorgeous examples of typography, layout design, printing techniques, and more. A fine display of some of the very best from the print industry of the time and a fantastic source for the modern creator and enthusiast.
The demand for beautifully designed printed material spiked during the latter part of the 19th century and with new technical possibilities, demands became more elaborate. To keep up with the times, the best printing companies in Europe and the United States exchanged their finest creations in an attempt to push the industry to new heights. The technologies that would make a faithful reproduction of originals in print possible were still not invented, or deficient. Therefore, professional stakeholders had to exchange their original works among themselves.
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